• Supervision of the formal aspects of the application for co-financing.
  • Respond to letters from Intermediate Bodies / the Managing Authority regarding the recognition of expenses as unqualified and other doubts in the scope of project management.
  • Making protests and appeals from information / decisions of Intermediate Bodies and administrative complaints against final decisions.
  • Preparation of legal opinions related to the implementation of the contract for co-financing.
  • Legal supervision over the implementation of the project in accordance with the program guidelines.
  • Providing opinions on substantive decisions made by persons responsible for project implementation.
  • Representation in court proceedings, court – administrative and administrative (including cases for imposed financial corrections).

Innteo Legal Żukowski i Szukowska
Radcowie Prawni sp.p.
ul. Banderii 4 lok. 162
01-164 Warszawa

r. pr. Amelia Szukowska
e-mail: a.szukowska@innteo.com
r.pr. Michał Żukowski
e-mail: m.zukowski@innteo.com